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Manifesting Abundance Mala

Manifesting Abundance Mala

SKU: 364215376135191

~ G R E E N  J A D E ~

A stone for healing the heart, the green of this Jade connects strongly with the green heart chakra. So strong in energy, one can feel the flow of well-being and balance almost immediately on touching it. Green Jade can be used daily to help attracted health and abundance.


~ Y E L L O W  J A D E ~

A powerful stone in encouraging us to grab every chance we have without missing it. Often used to help acquire success and wealth, it also works strongly on increasing the wearers mental power and assists in fighting off negative energies. Yellow Jade can also be used to draw in good relationships, both in partners and those we wish to learn from.


~ R U T I L E ~

Known both as an antenna and an amplifier, Rutile helps us tune into the frequency of divine intention. It not only guides one as to which of one's many potential  choices are inline with the cosmic flow, but can also magnify and accelerate one's focused intention, making it a fantastic stone for supporting manifestation.


~ P R E H N I T E ~

Quiets restlessness, nervousness and worry. Links the heart and the will, helping align one's desires and actions with peace and the highest good. Reminds us of our existence and personal power and assists in us using this power in the service of love.


~ R U D R A K S H A ~

These sacred seeds from the Rudraksha tree are known to be the 'Tears of Shiva'. It is said that after a thousand years of mediating on bringing happiness to all beings, Shiva opened his eyes, his tears dropped down on earth and the Rudraksha tree was born. Some believe the Rudraksha contains the secret of the entire universe... most wear them for protection, to enhance health, to deepen meditation and gain empowerment over the mind and to lead a peaceful and fearless life.


    - 108 semi precious stones and seeds

    - strung on silk

    - cotton tassel

    - silver spacers

    - 8mm rudraksha, green and yellow jade

    - 6mm rutile

    - prehnite guru

    - measures 50cm excluding tassel

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